According to the South Nation Conservation the Alfed Bog is he largest high-quality, peat bog in Southern Ontario has been building for 10,000 years at the confluence of the Ottawa and South Nation Rivers. Peat bogs are an exceedingly rare habitat and the 10,000 acres in Alfred support equally rare species and a healthy moose population.
South Nation Conservation’s 273m boardwalk lets you relish the beauty of the bog, without harming its sensitive ecosystem. The dominant vegetation is peat moss, and this produces a unique community of plants and animals. The Bog Walk promises to be filled with pleasant surprises and quality observations for bird enthusiasts. The bog provides essential habitat for many species of waterfowl, songbirds and hawks, such as the bobolink and sandhill crane; many species nest there while others visit in the spring and the fall. Although the conservation partners retain title to properties within the Bog, it is now managed by Ontario Parks as a Provincial Nature Reserve. Location ID #LS0009 |