We'd like to say thank you to Ottawa Valley Whereabouts on Instagram for this location.
The Puritan Mine was first worked for molybdenite & pyrite from 1914 to 1942. The mine is no longer in operation. The underground portion of the mine is muddy, smelly, and occupied by a group of porcupines and rats. Mineralization consists of erratically distributed coarse flakes of molybdenite associated with pyrrhotite and pyrite sparsely disseminated within an orebody of unknown dimensions. Workings consist of at least fourteen pits and trenches of varying sizes and an adit 92m (300 feet) long that extends in an east-west direction underneath the pits. 1914- 1918: Some pits were dug during this period, and 1.5 tons of ore were removed by unknown operators. 1939- 1940: H. Edelstein did some surface work in the summer of 1939, and in October of that same year Puritan Mines, Ltd. took over the property and worked it until Mar. 15, 1940. During this time a 300 foot adit was driven. 1942: The property was owned by Ajax Tungsten and Molybdenum Mines, Ltd. and was acquired by Buckhorn Mines, Ltd. in December of 1942. No development work was carried out . Location ID #CM0031 |