The Silver Crater mine is located in the township of Faraday. The mine and adit can easily be spotted/found in spring and fall. There Are Several Small Pits. Some Stripped Rock And One Adit On The Property. The adit "entrance" was flooded up to our knees. The Site Is A Well Known Mineral Collecting Locality. The underground workings are 40% flooded and slightly radio active. An ore cart can be seen in the wood near the Adit.
1927: Uranium & Mica Occurrence 1946: 469 Tons Of Mica Shipped. 1953: A 135 M Of Adit, Crosscuts & Drifting Plus 28.6 M Raise In Betafite Deposit. Pit 14x9x14 M Deep On Mica; Historical Records Cite "formerly A Mica Mine, This Deposit Was Later Worked For The Radioactive Mineral Betafite". Location ID #CM0013